2 de Mayo Squad
Skill / pot |
Player |
Age |
Height |
Weight |
Defenders |
Miguel Barreto
27 |
Midfielders |
Jesús Llano
23 |
Mathias Martínez
30 |
169 |
Ronal Dominguez
32 |
175 |
Franco Costa
33 |
162 |
Franco Aragón
30 |
175 |
69 |
Attackers |
Diego Acosta
22 |
175 |
Fernando Ruiz Diaz
23 |
185 |
74 |
Fabricio Brener
26 |
170 |
Sergio Bareiro
26 |
182 |
Skill / pot |
Player |
Contract end |
Age |
Defenders |
Miguel Barreto
27 |
Midfielders |
Jesús Llano
23 |
Mathias Martínez
30 |
Ronal Dominguez
32 |
Franco Costa
33 |
Franco Aragón
30 Dec 25 |
30 |
Attackers |
Diego Acosta
30 Dec 25 |
22 |
Fernando Ruiz Diaz
23 |
Fabricio Brener
30 Dec 25 |
26 |
Sergio Bareiro
26 |
Skill / pot |
Player |
Age |
Best Role |
Defenders |
Miguel Barreto
27 |
Midfielders |
Jesús Llano
23 |
Mathias Martínez
30 |
Ronal Dominguez
32 |
Franco Costa
33 |
Franco Aragón
30 |
Attackers |
Diego Acosta
22 |
Fernando Ruiz Diaz
23 |
Fabricio Brener
26 |
Sergio Bareiro
26 |
Contracts Expiring
2 de Mayo players whose contracts are set to expire within the next year.
Player |
Age |
Contract end |
Diego Acosta
22 |
30 Dec 25 |
Fabricio Brener
26 |
30 Dec 25 |
Franco Aragón
30 |
30 Dec 25 |